Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Is it ethical to play online poker games for money?

It's the latest fad with almost a guarantee of 6 or more hours of Texas hold'em shown on TV a day with tons of ads to play these online sites. The government says they are illegal and that we should not participate on these sites. Millions ignore these laws and play anyhow. Most don't report their earnings to the IRS (well's illegal to play).Is it ethical to play online poker games for money?
There is a big lag on your computer... this showed up in October, 2011.

The big poker sites no longer service the United States, there is a lot less poker on TV with hardly any commercials.

But back to the question, if you aren't cheating, why wouldn't it be ethical? You are playing a game with your own money.

(and it was never illegal to play... fact check)
No it is not illegal for individual people, you need to understand that the government does to to try and protect the people becaue some people are ripped off. I would not play it simply because i know i can earn more from other jobs and if i did want to play i would not do it with real money.

ThanksIs it ethical to play online poker games for money?
Technically it is illigal, but there are so many poker players getting around that fact that it's illigal. Also really each state should determine if gambling online is illegal or not.

Anyway, i play online at a certain site that allows U.S and is not shut down. I actually do it as a part time job grinding in tournaments and playing blackjack. If your interested, email me at and i can get you set up with an account and some good bonuses.

P.S - I can even give you some pointers and share my blackjack betting strategy :)
It's just as ethical as going into a casino and playing poker there or inviting your friends over and playing poker with them.

It's all gambling and how ethical it is depends on your own beliefs.Is it ethical to play online poker games for money?
well, your question will depends on every person's perspective.. for me, it's fine
I think it is bad to play online poker games because it is illegal .

Thank you

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