Thursday, January 26, 2012

What are some xbox 360 video games that are worth the money?

What are some xbox 360 video games that are worth the money? I rather buy video games that are worth $60 instead of buying a crappy game.What are some xbox 360 video games that are worth the money?
Depends on what you like. Here is a few games that I personally like a lot:

Halo Reach

Halo 3

Halo Wars

Fable 2

Fable 3


Bioshock 2

Final Fantasy

Alan Wake

Orange Box


Grand Theft Auto 4

Gears of War 2

Just to mention a few. There is a ton of games out there worth their price. i would recommend looking at top 10 games lists and such.
Well here we go.

Red Dead Redemption

Halo 3

Halo Wars

Halo ODST (not many people like it but it is pretty fun)

Halo Reach

Call Of Duty 4/MW2/Black Ops (I personally don't like COD but if you like it why not get it)

The Orange Box (Best $20 you can spend for a console game "includes Portal Half Life 2, Half Life 2 Episode 1 and Half Life 2 Episode 2 and Team Fortress 2" thats three different half lifes, and TF2 and Portal)

Portal 2

Medal Of Honor

Left 4 Dead 1 and 2

Grand Theft Auto 4

Beatles Rockband

I could do this all day.....What are some xbox 360 video games that are worth the money?
To be honest it depends on what you like.. for example I bought Brink and a lot of people say it wasn't worth the price when I think it was.

A few games though that I would say are worth the money are

Call of Duty: Black Ops %26amp; Modern Warfare 2

Red Dead Redemption

Grand Theft Auto 4 and/or Liberty city stories

Fifa 11


LA Noire
Halo 3, Halo reach, Red dead redemption since the Pc version is not available yet, Alan wake since it's not there on Pc.What are some xbox 360 video games that are worth the money?
halo reach, batman arkham asylum, naruto UNS2, halo 4 ( hopefully) just buy ps3 its all HD 1080 and u get better titles like LBP, god of war , killzone etc + blu ray.
Call of duty, black ops and halo and madden 11
call of duty black ops just because of the replay value.

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