Thursday, January 26, 2012

Can I get money playing video games?

I'm 21 I live on my own looking to make some extra money part-time. Can I make money playing video games? I like to play fps games and mmorpg games. If so please direct me to a site.Can I get money playing video games?
Did you not see the 'Guitar Queero' episode of South Park
If you're into the MMORPG kind of things, then try RuneScape ( You can actually make a decent living being a moderator or something else of the sort. If I am wrong, sorry. I have only heard of what you can do. I have never actually been a moderator.Can I get money playing video games?
you can review games for game companies such as microsoft or for magazines,

unfortunately it may be hard to find this kind of job as there are about a billion gamers all wanting a job were they get payed to play games.
Do not trust the first answer. Runescape is crap.Can I get money playing video games?
Being a game tester is not a very glamorous or well-paid job. The games you're used to playing are the final product. As a game tester, you would be playing the same short area of a level over and over and over again doing different things (opening different parts of your inventory, moving to different places, checking out camera angles, and trying out different weapons) and marking down every slight glitch or problem that occurs. Then they'll fix it, bring it back, and you'll do it all over again.

If you become a game reviewer you need to be able to handle deadlines and have very good English writing skills. You need to understand how a grading criteria works and you have to be able to look at things objectively. You are, essentially, a journalist.

Both of these fields are filled with people. It's not difficult to find someone to do it. You would make more money and have a steadier income getting a job at McDonald's.

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